University of Arizona

Interdisciplinary Arts Research Fellows

The Interdisciplinary Arts Research Fellowship was founded in 2020 by ADR Ellen McMahon. Five fellows, representing the four schools and one of the presentation/engagement units in Arizona Arts, work together on projects and programming to foster all forms of research in the arts. In 2021 the Fellows hosted Research Conversations in the Arts and 2022-2023 programming includes: Research Fridays: Works in Progress Writing Groups, and Affinity Gatherings.

Past and Current Fellows

    • Amy Kraehe, School of Art, Art and Visual Culture Education
    • Johanna Lundy, Fred Fox School of Music (continuing)
    • Greg Pierotti, School of Theatre, Film and Television
    • Stacie Widdifield, School of Art, Art History
    • Jennie Gubner, Fred Fox School of Music and Chair, Applied Intercultural Arts Research Graduate Interdisciplinary
    • Mag Jackson Fox, Center for Creative Photography
    • Ted Krause, School of Theatre, Film and Television
    • Joe Klug, School of Theatre, Film and Television
    • Autumn Ekmann, School of Dance