University of Arizona

Steps for Applying for External Grants and Foundation Funding

Schedule a pre-proposal grant meeting with the ADR and your school or unit director to discuss your project and funding goals. Provide and abstract and search for funding opportunities prior to the meeting.

Applying for a Sponsored Research Grant

Step 1. Search. 3+ Months.

Research potential funding sources using
search engines such as PIVOT. Review Sponored Projects Services (SPS) guidelines.

Contact CFA Associate Dean for Research (ADR) to discuss proposal development and CFA “Intent to Submit” form.

Discuss project with your School or Unit Director.

Step 2. Compose. 7+ weeks.

Send “Intent to Submit” form to Business Manager and work with them to build your budget sketch and budget justification.

Contact UA Research Development Services
(RDS) for any needed project narrative support.

Finalize: (1) project summary, (2) budget, (3) budget justification.

RDS Narrative review/schedule

Step 3. Review. 14 days.

Send to your Director for final review/approval (allow 3 days).

Once approved, your Business Manger will send to CFA for approval (allow 3 days).

CFA sends it back to your Business Manager to begin internal routing process.

RDS Narrative review/schedule

Step 4. Route. 7 days.

Business Manager will submit final proposal to SPS. You MUST submit 3 business days before proposal deadline (SPS Compliance Protocol).

SPS reviews entire proposal to make sure it is complete and meets funder requirements.

PI must be available during this time

Step 5. Submit. 1 day.

SPS Edits: Be on call! Be ready to troubleshoot issues and make edits.

Final proposal is ready to be submitted to external funder. Submission will be completed in accordance with funder’s guidelines.

PI must be available during this time

Steps in Applying for Foundation Support

Step 1. Search. 3+ months.

Identify potential foundations whose missions align with your project.

Inform Associate Dean for Research (ADR), your Director and your School or Unit Business Manger of your plans.

Contact your liaison in the Development Office to discuss your project.

Step 2. Discuss. 7+ weeks.

Your Development Office liaison will schedule a meeting with your team and the UA Foundation Relations team.

Complete initial requirements as needed for submission which may include a Letter of Intent (LIO) or partial proposal if project qualifies for a Limited Submission at the University level.

Step 3. Write. 14 days.

Build your budget and budget justification with your Business Manager and get CFA approval.

Finalize: (1) project summary, (2) budget, (3) budget justification.

Work with UA Foundation Relations team and Development Liaison to review documents and incorporate suggestions.

Step 4. Review. 7 days.

Finalize proposal.

Work with UA Foundation Relations team and Development Office liaison to check that all elements are complete and meet donor’s requirements.

PI submits final LOI or RFP to UA Foundation Relations team for compliance review at least three days prior to grant submission deadline.

Step 5. Submit. 1 day.

Be on call!

Be ready to trouble shoot issues and make edits.
