Moderated by: Win Burleson Cynthia Stokes began her talk with the comment, “One of the questions I think we all have had to ask ourselves over these last couple years is how do we keep ourselves engaged in our work? And I really discovered that I have to put myself...
Moderated by: Andy Belser* Though Tamara (dance) and Deanna (lighting design) work in two different artistic mediums, their work overlaps in their uses of mindfulness techniques in their creative research and teaching. Traditionally, dancers train within an atmosphere...
Moderated by: Stacie Widdifield Jennifer, an ethnomusicologist, investigates how climate change and subsequent grassland degradation impacts Mongolian pastoralists (herders) who have historically used sound (for example, ice cracking, insect sounds, wind blowing...
Moderated by: Hai Ren The conversation began with Kay and Marcos, sharing videos as a means with which to introduce themselves and their work. The conversation that then unfolded was guided by Hai’s central topics: research and creation, narration and collaboration,...
Moderated by: David Taylor “The Arts and the Borderlands” opens with two questions posed to the audience: What and where are the Borderlands? What constitutes artistic research at the Borderlands? David Taylor organizes the conversation between Alejandro Macias and...